Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Chugging Along: My 2 Week Progress Report

Now that my idea was set, my next steps were to figure out my way of making my videos. I was recommended the screen cast app "Explain Everything" by Mr. Orre, and after receiving an initial suggestion, I searched for similar apps, and came upon this website: http://www.labnol.org/software/record-screencasts-on-ipad-iphone/20958/

However after more research, I found that Explain Everything is in fact the best option. If anyone has any other ideas though, please let me know!! I proceeded to download the app and have since been watching YouTube videos to further my knowledge on the subject.

(including this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b00ZeszvjP4). I have learned a lot about the process, as well as learning that I know next to nothing about video creating and editing. This in itself has been a major setback, but the YouTube videos are extremely helpful. Next in my process will be to create scripts and begin to tinker around with the actual Explain Everything app itself. Then I can send a test video to peers to receive feedback on how to do certain aspects of the video making better. These goals are what I will focus on for my next two week period.


  1. I really like your idea of combining your 2 passions, youtube and health, because it sends out a good message to kids in a fun way that they will be interested in learning about. I myself am really into health so I am curious to see what information you have that I may not have known before. Since youtube is such a popular means of sharing information these days, this is perfect for spreading this information to a wide audience. In learning how to better your video editing abilities it will be a really great skill to have in the future if you continue making youtube videos.

  2. Great progress Tia! The Explain Everything app seems very interesting and I cant wait to see the videos you make through this. Good Luck!

  3. Good job finding examples of ways to present information. Another youtube channel I suggest is howcast. They do great how to videos such as this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0NPYZyI7V8. I think the next step for you is to learn how to edit videos. Also, how are you going to advertise your youtube channel?Keep up the great work!
    - Abhay Aanabathula
