Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Beginning: 20% Time & My Health Idea

20 Time. Passion Project. Genius Hour.

All different names for the same idea. In our case for 20 Time, we were allotted 20% of class time (Monday class periods) to work on our own, personalized, project. At first, I was opposed to the idea, purely due to my own laziness. However, as time passed on and I continued to brainstorm my own "passions", I realized that 20 Time was ingenious. In our traditional educational system, students unfortunately are not given much room to explore creative pursuits for themselves within the classroom. Ranging from volunteer work to intellectual endeavors, students just like ourselves stretched the boundaries of our conventional ideas of education and learning and made an impact for themselves and others. These kinds of projects provide the opportunity for real-life application and extension of the knowledge students have acquired.

 After giving this project much thought, I decided to combine three of my interests: health (the 5 pillars), YouTube, and helping/entertaining people.

From this, I was able to come up with a purpose and goal:
1) to learn video-editing and put it to use
2) to educate others on the importance of & science behind health in a fun, engaging way

The "essential question" that I asked next was: How can I learn video editing and inform people on health in a fun way at the same time?

With an essential question and a goal, it became clear to me what I should choose as my 20 Time project. I would film and edit a YouTube mini-series about:
-social health

The videos would include information from
-class notes 
-relevant outside research
-personal insight/ anecdotes
-everyday application ideas

I recognize that there will be challenges that I will face when completing this project, including the following:
-1 person filming
-informative + fun + engaging
-speed of progress

Moving forward, I plan to complete the following tasks:
-research the 5 Pillars of Health in depth to add information
-learn & perform video-editing
-brainstorm ideas for activities
-write script for video
-film activities and lectures 

For example, my general layout for my stress video could possibly be:
-explain different kinds/ cortisol/ detrimental effects/ how to control or lessen -personal anecdote on how I dealt with and controlled my stress
-stress-lessening activities
and for my exercise video:
-explain different kinds of exercise/ how much time/ benefits
-step by step sample workout activity
-how to incorporate exercise into daily life

In terms of measuring my personal progress, I will set dates for myself for when I should be done doing certain steps of the process, which I will further delineate in my next post.


  1. I think your idea is great! Filming videos on health related topics will allow people to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle from anywhere. By posting it on youtube, you will be able to reach a broad audience from all around the world. Good Luck on your project!
    -Teenie Schlossareck

  2. I like your topic and how you are going to present your information. Posting to youtube will allow you to reach a large audience. Also, your topic is very important to everyone, so everyone can view and learn new information.

  3. You have a really good idea. I know there are some people who do similar things, but I like your idea because you put your own twist on it. By doing this, you might follow what you say and become a healthier you! Maybe I'll be getting some information from your videos also! I wish you the best of luck!

  4. I'm quite impressed with how much thought you've put into this. This post may be a little too informative, but that's okay. I like that you've listed everything thoroughly, but that's pretty much it.

    On a side note (This is not a criticism, but some friendly advice)- For lack of a better word, this is too cookie-cutter student. You need to be a little bit more personal if you want to reach out to more people. This might be just me, but I got a little bored reading this half way through because I was tired of filtering what was information and what was you. Just be yourself.

    ALSO, what is your main question? I might have missed it from looking over your blog, but I can't seem to pin point what your exactly trying to get at. Is it the videos that are your main focus, or the lessons? Are there any specifics you would like to go into, or are you trying to cover the basics? I don't want to come off nagging and such, but I am quite confused. Sorry...

  5. You have a good topic here because everyone can relate to it. It's good that you are covering all aspects of health, not just nutrition and exercise, which is what most people commonly think of when talking about health. I suggest that you watch existing videos on youtube and observe how they present their information. Then you can possibly come up with your own unique way of presenting your information. This actually leads to my question, which is how do you plan on presenting your information?

  6. This is a super cool idea Tia1 I think in the blogosphere, there are countless amounts of people who have started very successful vlogs. You could be the next! This is fun and will teach prospective bloggers how to edit. Do you have anyone to help you w/ the filming?

  7. This is a very good idea that can be very beneficial to you. Video editing will be a very useful skill to have, especially in this day and age. Will you be discussing the negative effects of unhealthy lifestyles in addition to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle?

  8. I'm really excited by this. Check out the iPad app "Explain Everything." I'm not sure if you have an iPad, if not we can probably get it on one of the school ones for you to use. It allows you to create screencasts really easy using photos, videos, and drawing on the screen. Might be a useful tool for your videos.
